Spray plane Z-37
- around 1970
- wing span: 12.5 metres
In 1955 the Czech company Agrolet launched, with the reproduction of a “Fieseler Stork” near Grevesmühlen, the deployment of avio-chemical aircraft. A few years later the spray plane developed into a special service company, particularly for forestry and agriculture, whose effectiveness was only justified over large areas. Alongside Soviet and Polish special aeroplanes, the Czech Z-37 “Čmelak” was also used from 1967.
One of these “bumble-bees” is part of the collection at the District Agricultural Museum. The characteristic feature: it was the only machine from the GDR’s spray plane squad that achieved 10,000 flying hours without having to undergo general repairs. It was restored to its original condition by volunteers.
Text: F. H.