White stork
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is home to more than 205 species of breeding birds. In spring and autumn northern species can also be observed as they fly over the region as migrants, take a rest or even spend the winter with us. The third category include the so-called “new residents,” such as the great white egret and Egyptian goose, but also vagrants such as griffon vultures and rose-coloured starlings. The documentation and research of the native bird world has a long tradition and is a prerequisite for the protection and preservation of species diversity.
Since 1866 the natural historical collections in the state have documented the state’s natural history. With around 8,000 exhibits the collection here is the most significant bird collection for Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania. The white stork, which is common across the whole state, is one of the birds which characterises our region. In the bird collection there are 44 exhibits relating to the white stork, and a few of these are displayed in the exhibition.
Text: R. S.