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Dynasty 1900 up to 1950

Grand Duke Family 1910

In 1904, Adolphus Frederick V. took over the throne in Mecklenburg-Strelitz. He was followed in 1914 by his son, Adolphus Frederick VI., who died in February 1918 under mysterious circumstances. The only male successor would have been Duke Carl Michael, but he waived his right. Strelitz then fell to Frederick Francis IV. of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The union was brief because the Grand Duke abdicated in the revolution of 14th November 1918. He officially lost the regent title of Grand Duke but carried on until his death in 1945. The eldest son, Frederick Francis, became an “SS-Sturmbannführer” and, due to an unequal marriage in 1943, was excluded from succession.

Kaiser Wilhelm II. mit seiner Frau Auguste Viktoria 1933 im Exil - Bundesarchiv_Bild_136-C0805, Kaiserpaar im Haus Doorn
Emperor Wilhelm II. an his second wife Hermine in exile 1933

The Imperial Family is stripped of the crown in the November Revolution of 1918 and flees to Doorn in the Netherlands. But Wilhelm II. remains in charge of the House of Hohenzollern. After his death, he is followed in this office by his son, Wilhelm, German Crown Prince (1882-1951), who had used the moniker Wilhelm, Prince of Prussia, since 1919.