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Science and education 1600 up to 1650

Johannes Coler (1566-1639), Vicar and Agriculture theorist

Single-class sacristan schools were established in the countryside and in small towns for the lower levels of society. They provided a narrow educational offering in the areas of reading, writing, religion and arithmetic. During the Thirty Years‘ War their work almost came to a complete standstill due to a shortage of teachers.

Karte des Eilhard Lubinus 1618, erste Gesamtkarte von Pommern
The Lubin Map, finished 1618, was the first complete cartographic portrayal of Pomerania

Germany's first university library opens in Greifswald in 1604.

Single-class sacristan schools were established in the countryside and in small towns for the lower levels of society. They provided a narrow educational offering in the areas of reading, writing, religion and arithmetic. During the Thirty Years‘ War their work almost came to a complete standstill due to a shortage of teachers.