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Science and education 1900 up to 1950

Farmers' college Warin in the National Socialism

With the change on the throne in 1904 Mecklenburg-Strelitz overhauled the shortfalls in the school system. In 1905 Sternberg was given a technical centre and in 1911 Neustadt-Glewe 1911 received a municipal school for the building industry and higher engineering.

In 1922 a farmers‘ college was established in Wiligrad (later in Warin) as a Christian ideological educational institution. Rostock University developed its potential in the field of medicine through new clinics. 1933 saw the start of attacks against Jewish and critical scientists that ended with emigration and suicide.

A comprehensive reform of the school system was undertaken in 1946. The old teaching material was replaced by 500,000 new school books. “New teachers” were trained in fast courses. Rostock University opened its doors again in 1946. The Theology Faculty was retained.

University of Greifswald - Detention room
Detention room of the University of Greifswald, used until the C20th. Photo: Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Academic Art Collection/Custody

The navigation college in Barth closes in 1924.

Friedrich Loeffler, a professor of medicine in Greifswald, opens the world's first virological research institute on the island of Riems in 1910. The university carries the title 'Prussian University of Greifswald' from 1921. It is renamed as the 'Ernst Moritz Arndt University' in 1933. Attacks on Jewish and critical scholars lead to emigration and even suicide.

The National Socialists close the Catholic schools in 1938/39. They open an 'educational institute of national politics' at the Pädagogium in Putbus.

A comprehensive reform of the school system was undertaken in 1946. The old teaching material was replaced by 500,000 new school books. Crash courses are held in Putbus to qualify 'new teachers'. The University of Greifswald opens again in 1946.