The larger towns started to see a striking sense of social separation. In coastal towns the upper class of long-distance merchants was dominant. The often highly-specialised craftsmen and their products were dependent on this upper class. The simple journeymen and service providers experienced increasing social isolation, which led to revolts against the council.
Trade and industry 1350 up to 1400
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around 1365
The larger towns started to see a striking sense of social separation. In coastal towns the upper class of long-distance merchants was dominant. 'Riga and Nowgorod stalls' remain in St Nicholas' in Stralsund, dating from around 1360/70. They show fur trappers, honey and resin collectors and trade between Russians and merchants from Stralsund. The often highly-specialised craftsmen and their products were dependent on this upper class. The simple journeymen and service providers experienced increasing social isolation, which led to revolts against the council.
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